Archived Video Stock Footage
Archival Forestry
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Archival Felling
Trees - vs0548
21 Clips
TRT 1:36
Loggers use a two man crosscut saw to fell a tree. Shots of
a tree falling in a forest. Logger standing next to a tree stump.
Still images of log stacks. Shots of logger standing on logs
being reeled in by a steam donkey (mechanical winch skidder).
Logs being moved by cables. Black and white, circa 1920s.
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Archival Of
Redwood Logging - vs0549
28 Clips
TRT 2:42
Shots of a redwood tree falling in a forest. Shots of two loggers
felling a tree with axes. Pans of still images of loggers standing
in front of and on top of massive logs. Huge log on a logging
truck. Stills of loggers standing or lying inside the cuts of
very large trees. Black and white, circa 1920s.
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Archival Logging
Forest Impacts - vs0550
23 Clips
TRT 1:46
Pans and static shots of still images showing clearcut hillsides,
soil erosion, and flooded towns. Shots of a fire lookout tower.
Wide shot pan of people replanting trees. Medium shot of a man
planting a seedling. Black and white, circa 1920s.
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Archival Load
& Transport Logs - vs0551
49 Clips
TRT 4:28
Logs being hoisted by cable onto log trucks. Logs being unloaded
from log trucks and loaded onto a freight train. Log trucks
in transit. Train carrying logs, including views from onboard
the train. Logs being released into a log pond. Log rolling.
Tug boat pulling a log raft. Black and white, circa 1920s.
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Archival Logging
Camps & Settlements - vs0552
30 Clips
TRT 2:33
Pans, zooms, and static shots of still images showing logging
camps and loggers. Wide shot of workmen getting out of train
boxcars to go to work. Panning shot of a logging settlement.
Children playing with toy logging equipment. Black and white,
circa 1920s.
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Early Logging
& Technology - vs0553
39 Clips
TRT 5:22
Shots of grading by horse teams to construct a railroad. Heavy
equipment carrying railroad ties (aka, sleepers) and steel rails
to workers. Wooden trestle bridge with locomotive. Installing
electric power lines in a forest. Climbing, trimming, topping,
and rigging a spar tree. Trees being pulled by an electric skidder
and loader. Black and white, circa 1920s.
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Archival Operating
Lumber Mill - vs0554
14 Clips
TRT 1:39
Logs being cut and then moved using a conveyor belt in a lumber
mill. Workers sorting wood into stacks. Man cutting a log on
a large round mechanical saw table. Still images of a lumber
mill. Men with poles move a very large log out of a pond and
onto a conveyor belt. Large log being cut on a moving platform
while men stand on the platform. Black and white, circa 1920s.
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