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Presentations, Panels, Interviews, TV Shows
Eco-Performances & Documentaries
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This page of is an index of videos, including presentations, presentation excerpts, panel discussions, documentary and online interviews, TV appearances, and eco-performances, for speakers, performers and authors with last names starting with "S."

Veena Sahajwalla

Green Manufacturing: Recycling Polymers In Steelmaking. Presentation by Professor Veena Sahajwalla on recycling end-of-life polymers in steelmaking. This is an example of a successful application of research by industry. About 27 minutes. Play Video >>

Tim Sanders

Saving The World At Work. Presentation by Tim Sanders. Sanders explains how change in organizations can start from the trenches up, and the value of social capital to keep and get new customers as well as attracting top talent. About 12 minutes. Play Video >>

Susan Sarandon

Mountaintop Removal: An American Tragedy. Narrated by Susan Sarandon, this video shows mountaintop removal coal mining and its impacts on Appalachian mountains, drinking water and families. Mountaintop removal is a mining practice where explosives are used to blast the tops off mountains to expose the thin seams of coal beneath. Once blasted, earth and coal dust from the mountaintop are dumped into neighboring valleys and waterways.
About 2 minutes. Play Video >>

Jan Schaffer

"" The Future of Science & Environmental Journalism. Discussion including journalists Seth Borenstein, Geoffrey Dabelko, Peter Dykstra, Jan Schaffer, and Elizabeth Shogren. The panel talks about cuts in science and environmental reporting by traditional news media outlets. They observe that local and niche journalists are working to fill the vacuum by building new business models online. About 117 minutes. Play Video >>

John Seager

"" Population Stabilization. Presentation by John Seager. Seager, president of Population Connection, spoke about how human population growth, social justice, environmental issues and women's rights are related. With world population now over 7 billion, the impact of rapid population growth on people and the planet has never been more compelling. About 56 minutes. Play Video >>

Bill Shireman

Vision 2020 Transpartisan Leadership Workshop. Introduced and moderated by Bill Shireman. This panel at California’s Vision 2020 conference joined conservative, libertarian and progressive thought leaders in a discussion of how to bridge political divides. In addition to Shireman, it included John Gable, Steven Greenhut, and Joan Blades. Together, they introduced a powerful practice for healing relationships that are broken or diminished because of divergent political orientations – offering communication techniques that build understanding across divides. About 30 minutes. Play Video >>

Beyond The Industrial Economy. Presentation excerpt by Bill Shireman. President and CEO of The Future 500, Shireman discusses why we need to go beyond the industrial economy. About 1 minute. Play Video >> | Play QuickTime >>

Elizabeth Shogren

"" The Future of Science & Environmental Journalism. Discussion including journalists Seth Borenstein, Geoffrey Dabelko, Peter Dykstra, Jan Schaffer, and Elizabeth Shogren. The panel talks about cuts in science and environmental reporting by traditional news media outlets. They observe that local and niche journalists are working to fill the vacuum by building new business models online. About 117 minutes. Play Video >>

Peter Singer

"" The Ethical Challenge of Climate Change. Presentation by Peter Singer. Climate change raises old ethical issues in a new way. The old issues are essentially those of justice in distribution, as familiar as the old problem of sharing a pie between many hungry people. How should we divide up the capacity of our atmosphere to absorb our greenhouse gases? Justice between generations is also obviously relevant. But these issues arise in new ways that threaten our traditional sense of what is right and what is wrong. Hence climate change presents a new and particularly difficult moral challenge. About 88 minutes. Play Video >>

Willie Smits

How to Restore a Rainforest. A presentation by Willie Smits. By piecing together a complex ecological puzzle, biologist Willie Smits believes he has found a way to re-grow clearcut rainforest in Borneo, saving local orangutans and creating a thrilling blueprint for restoring fragile ecosystems. About 23 minutes. Play Video >>

Graham Stein

"" Whole Systems Thinking: The Way Ahead. Panel on using systems thinking for energy system design. Panelists include: Jo Coleman (Energy Technologies Institute); David Joffe (Committee on Climate Change); Graham Stein (National Grid); Professor Phil Taylor (Newcastle University); and Professor Jan Webb (University of Edinburgh). About 55 minutes. Play Video >>

Bjorn Stigson

"" Living Within The Carrying Capacity Of The Earth. Interview with Bjorn Stigson.
World Business Council for Sustainable Development President Bjorn Stigson talks about the "big balancing act" between development, the environment, and dealing with climate change. About 6 minutes. Play Video >>

Tristram Stuart

The Global Food Waste Scandal. TED Talk by Tristram Stuart. Western countries throw out nearly half of their food, not because it's inedible, but because it doesn't look appealing. Stuart delves into the shocking data of wasted food, calling for a more responsible use of global resources. About 14 minutes. Play Video >>

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