Video Productions & Services
Production of EcoSpeakers Marketing Videos
One of EcoIQ’s most significant video production projects was a series of 65 speaker marketing videos for our Speakers Bureau website. We produced and posted videos showing our speakers in action. Our projects ranged from complete production (script writing, video editing, graphics, stills, titles, narration, music, cut away footage) to smaller projects (requiring only editing and titles).
There are many ways to demonstrate, either directly or indirectly, a speaker’s talents, but nothing works more effectively than video to convey that someone is an engaging speaker. Seeing is believing. EcoIQ worked to make videos that captured speakers relating to an audience – audible oohs and aahs, laughter, rapt attention, and a strong ovation sells a speaker better than any amount of verbiage ever could. Several of our best videos as well as more details about our video work for EcoSpeakers are available here.
Future in the Cradle Population Documentary
Another significant video project was to co-produce and collaborate on script and editing for Future in the Cradle, an award winning 1996 documentary on global population. The video focused on the United Nations Population Conference held in Egypt in 1994. At that time, the world population was 5.7 billion, and the conference produced a 20-year "Plan of Action" to stabilize world population at about 8 billion people.
The Plan was supported by all 180 nations attending the Cairo Conference. Countries agreed to improve educational and employment opportunities for women, to promote family planning, and to provide reproductive health care for all women. In the years since that agreement was forged, its promises have only slowly and partially been kept. As a result, the world reached that 8 billion milestone in November 2022, and the UN now projects global population to reach 10.4 billion by the end of this century. That’s not as bad as the worst case projected in 1996 (12 billion), but much more than the 8 billion projected in 1994 if the Plan of Action had been fully implemented.
Our documentary took its title from then Egyptian President Hosni Mubarac’s conference welcome "to the cradle of civilization to discuss the future of civilization." It included exclusive interviews with a dozen of the world’s foremost population and environmental leaders at the time, including: Tim Wirth, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs and former US Senator; Nafis Sadik, General Secretary of the Cairo Conference; Denis Hayes, Chairman and CEO of the 1970 and 1990 Earth Days and the US environmental community’s representative at the Conference; Jacqueline Hamilton, Director of Population Programs for the Natural Resources Defense Council; and other leaders of similar credibility and stature.
When our documentary was released, now more than a quarter century ago, Sidonie Giapeta, then Director of the National Wildlife Federation's Population Program, called it "the most dynamic population video I have seen." Pete McCloskey, who as a congressman co-authored much of the landmark environmental legislation of the early 1970s, described our video as "A bugle call for Americans to demand leadership and action on this grand-daddy of all environmental issues.”
Future in the Cradle won the WAVE Award for Documentary Video in 1996. The co-producer and primary script writer was Rob Caughlan, then of The Roanoke Company, who attended the Conference to conduct and shoot the interviews. Our video was distributed for a decade by The Video Project, a major distributor of educational videos for schools and educational programs. As a result, it was viewed by many tens of thousands of students across the country.
Shoot, Edit & Distribute Stock Video Clips
Between 2001 and 2008, EcoIQ offered royalty free video stock footage with a focus on clips related in some fashion to sustainability. We shot original clips, purchased clips, and entered into sales agreements with several videographers to share revenues from clip sales. We sold and distributed our stock footage through our website (now offline). We left the stock footage business for two reasons. First, HD clips were destroying the market for our SD footage more rapidly than we had expected. And second, the entire stock footage industry was consolidating under a single market leader, and most of the specialized sellers were getting squeezed out.
We will continue to make our more than 5,000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes. They include such collections such as smart growth & new urbanism, clean energy alternatives, early-stage urban recyclables processing, alternative transportation options, archival mining and forestry from a century ago, huge cattle feedlots, global warming gasses belching into the atmosphere from power and industrial plants, factories and sawmills turning natural resources into products, and some stunningly beautiful nature videography from Venezuela and the Caribbean. Overall, we offered more than 500 collections covering a very wide variety of subjects. On the right are a few screen grabs from our clips.
Guide to Resources for Video Producers
Our Resources for Video Producers Guide covers a wide range of skills training, equipment, supplies, services, and other tools needed to conceive, fund, produce, market, and distribute sustainability-related videos. The Guide is intended for producers of educational programs for schools, for streaming digital media, as well as for advertising and display videos. It is quite dated, but it still contains many links to active service providers, so we are leaving it online.
The Guide includes pages for professional associations, publications, resource directories, and podcasts. Also incorporated are extensive links to individual video professionals and companies. Post-production resources include sources of stock footage, music, sound effects, and visual special effects as well as other downstream services such as duplication, marketing, sales, and distribution. Special sections feature pages on greening the production process as well as on producers specializing in green, sustainable projects. To the Guide >>
Videos Organized by Sustainability Topic
The Online Videos & TV section of provides links to more than 300 streaming video programs drawn from broadcast, cable, and online only sources. The programs are divided into twenty-six topics covering a wide range of sustainability issues and concerns. Programs are also indexed by the name of the person or persons featured in each program.
This Guide includes presentations, presentation excerpts, panel discussions, television documentary interviews, online interviews, broadcast television news and feature stories, and green performances. Our collections were created to be useful – interesting and enlightening – for students, teachers, and working professionals interested in sustainability, the green economy, and the environment.
Green Audio & Podcast Collections
Our Green Audio & Podcast Collections offer links to more than 200 radio segments, online only audio programs, and podcasts. They include presentations, presentation excerpts, panel discussions, documentary interviews, online interviews, talk radio guest appearances, broadcast radio news and feature stories, green performances, radio documentaries, and more.
The programs are divided into sixteen topics covering a wide range of sustainability issues and concerns. Programs are also indexed by the name of the person or persons featured. We assembled these audio resources for students, teachers, and professional development program staff seeking access to supplemental educational materials.

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