EcoIQ About Us
Promoting Sustainability & Democracy

Over the last twenty-five plus years, has developed a dozen websites and posted thousands of pages of online articles, videos, resource guides, and related materials. In recent years, we have expanded our focus to the problems so evident in our democracy. The reason for this shift is clear. Without a robust and functional democracy, the odds of making the changes needed to become more sustainable and minimizing the escalating damage from climate change would be greatly reduced. To help push for the needed reforms, we created a new site in 2021,

For the 2024 election, we kept a large section on that focuses on activist groups in swing states, and we created another new site,, which focuses on how we can reinforce and improve our democracy going forward. In addition to focusing directly on strengthening democracy, this new site includes sections on Protecting Our Homes & Communities, Building Cooperation, Becoming a More Effective Activist, Fundraising for Democracy Activism, and links to more than 200 national organizations supporting pro-democracy activists.

A history of EcoIQ's work provides more detail about our path over time. In these two and a half decades, we have served more than 10 million site visitors from more than 100 countries around the world.

Our EcoIQ Magazine Archive section provides continued access to more than 20 features, opinion articles, book excerpts, and book reviews that have continuing value.

From our Speakers Bureau website, now retired, we have preserved a section of articles For Speakers. This is intended to help sustainability-focused speakers be more effective in marketing and developing themselves for paid engagements. Many environmental authors make more from speaking than they do from their books, which is good because they couldn't survive and continue without income beyond what their books produce.

Our work developing Online Resource Guides covers a lot of territory. We have good size collections of online videos, audio programs, and articles, all organized by both subject and author/speaker. They were updated in 2018. The other Resource Guides have been removed, with two exceptions. Our original Link Center, as well as a substantial collection of resources focused on the needs of video producers, will remain online. Both still have some use value.

From our video production and services work, we have preserved a collection of the videos we produced or edited in support of our speakers. We also created a YouTube channel for our speakers. For historical and archival purposes, we have kept online video previews of the roughly 5,000 royalty free video stock footage clips we offered on (no longer active). And, as mentioned above, our collection of Resources For Video Producers will remain available.

To accomplish the video work described above, we created an in-house production capability (camera, editing deck, software, expertise) and begin to shoot, edit, and produce video. In addition, several independent video producers were collaborators in our stock footage service, supplying much of the raw footage from which we edited thousands of clips. The most significant of these video producers were: Doug Hawes-Davis of High Plains Films; Carlo Ferraro of Ferraro Nature Films; Odell Hussey of Odell Hussey Photography; and Doug MacCormack of Ol' Eagle Eye Video Productions.

We have also preserved most of our pages about EcoIQ itself. These include a collection of articles and reports by EcoIQ founder Dennis Church as well as our EcoIQ Credits: It Took A Village, EcoIQ Advisors, and Contributing Editors pages acknowledging the many people who have helped in significant ways.

An additional page provides another way to navigate this still large website. Our Products-By-Topic page provides topic specific direct links into some of the media collections, as well as additional links to help visitors go directly to what interests them the most.

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