EcoIQ Video
Environmental sustainability images (
Presentations, Panels, Interviews, TV Shows
Eco-Performances & Documentaries
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This page of is an index of videos, including presentations, presentation excerpts, panel discussions, documentary and online interviews, TV appearances, and eco-performances, for speakers, performers and authors with last names starting with "Q."

Alfredo Quarto

Amazing Mangroves and the Global Climate. Presentation by Alfredo Quarto to Biodiversity for a Livable Climate. Quarto explains the status of mangrove forests and their importance to the ocean and global environment. About 30 minutes. Play Video >>

Mangroves: The Roots of the Sea. Documentary interview with Alfredo Quarto. This video, produced by the American Museum of Natural History, contains an interview with Alfredo Quarto, the Mangrove Action Project’s Executive Director and Founder. It describes the negative impacts of shrimp aquaculture on mangrove coastal ecosystems. About 12 minutes. Play Video >>

Quiet Riot

"" On The History & Future Of Energy. Excerpts from a sketch by Quiet Riot. In this performance, Quiet Riot recounts the history of energy production and consumption by combining comedy, mime, storytelling, music and sound effects. They cover the oil industry, peak oil, and renewable energy alternatives. About 9 minutes. Play Video >>

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