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Presentations, Panels, Interviews, TV Shows
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This page of is an index of videos, including presentations, presentation excerpts, panel discussions, documentary and online interviews, TV appearances, and eco-performances, for speakers, performers and authors with last names starting with "L."

Larry Lansburgh

"" The Achuar: Green Inspiration From The Amazon. Presentation excerpts by Larry Lansburgh. Lansburgh, an award-winning documentary filmmaker, introduces you to his presentation on the "Dream People of the Amazon." It is about how a small group of indigenous people, the Achuar of the Ecuadorian Amazon, came up against the money and power of multinational oil companies and won. About 5 minutes. Play Video >>

Kent Larson

Walkable Cities. Presentation by Kent Larson. Larson is Director of the Changing Places research group and co-directs the City Science Initiative at the MIT Media Lab. His research group is developing strategies to create high-performance technology-enabled places that respond to an aging population and to new ways of living and working. About 17 minutes. Play Video >>

Brilliant Designs To Fit More People In Every City. Presentation by Kent Larson. How can we fit more people into cities without overcrowding? Larson shows off folding cars, quick-change apartments, and other innovations that could make the city of the future work a lot like a small village of the past. About 17 minutes. Play Video >>

Chris Laszlo

Sustainability: A Mainstream Business Opportunity. Online presentation by Chris Laszlo. Discusses how sustainability can be a source of business opportunities, and not a distraction or hinderance to making profits. About 3 minutes. Play Video >> | Play QuickTime >>

Brian Leary

The Benefits of Transit Oriented Development. Presentation by Brian Leary. The former President and CEO of the Atlanta Beltline discusses the benefits of transit-oriented development and walkable places. About 17 minutes. Play Video >>

Jacques Leslie

Dams in Southern Africa, India And Australia - Part 1. Online interview with Jacques Leslie. Leslie discusses his book Deep Water and provides examples of dams in various parts of the world that illustrate the environmental, economic, and social costs of the more than 45,000 large dams world-wide. About 30 minutes. Play Video - Part 1, 2, 3.

Deep Water: The Epic Struggle Over Dams, Displaced People, and the Environment. Presentation by Jacques Leslie. Leslie discusses his book Deep Water at Book Passages in Marin, including selected readings and a question and answer period with the audience. About 52 minutes. Play Video >>

James Lovelock

The Sacred Balance - Gaia Hypothesis. In this excerpt from The Sacred Balance documentary, James Lovelock talks about the origins of his "Gaia" hypothesis. It suggests that the Earth is one living organism. About 4 minutes. Play Video >>

Amory Lovins

"" Whole-Systems Data-Centre Design for Radical Energy and Capital Efficiency. Presentation by Amory Lovins. Lovins, Chairman & Chief Scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) speaking at his seminar on Whole-Systems Data-Centre Design. About 58 minutes. Play Video >>

L. Hunter Lovins

Why Build Green? Online interview with L. Hunter Lovins. Explains that green building is a better way to build, and that it can improve our quality of life by forming more comfortable spaces, increasing productivity, improving learning, and more. About 3 minutes. Play Video >>

University of Iowa Presentation. Presentation by L. Hunter Lovins. Discusses creating a working bio-economy through sustainable green technologies and efficiencies. About 6 minutes. Play Video >>

Iowa Independent Interview. Online interview with L. Hunter Lovins. Lovins explains why companies that are normaly thought of as the "bad guys" when it comes to environmental issues are starting to look at sustainability and green business practices to help their bottom line. About 3 minutes. Play Video >>

Volvo ISPO 2008 Interview. Online interview with L. Hunter Lovins. Discusses efforts to get companies around the world to use their resources more efficiently and reduce their carbon footprint, while remaining profitable and competitive. About 9 minutes. Play Video >>

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